Sunday, May 03, 2009

It's only when the time to part comes, that we realised how much we are going to miss everyone and everything.

Labour Day was spent entirely with 16th Delta HC :D
(with the exception of Ryan who had something on)
It was a fun-filled day!
This was like the first outing for us other than the Pizza Hut lunch we had after elections like a million years ago.

We went to Marina Sq Swensens for lunch.

Paul treated us to TWO earthquakes yay!

The girls,

The guys, not forgetting Ryan

LOVE 16th Delta HC!

Then CAM-WHORING SESSION starts. Ohmygod, I swear we were the ultimate. Everyone was staring at us, i mean we are a big group to cam-whore together. We took 12 pretty polaroid shots all around Marina Sq. One for each of us. We sourced for different backgrounds to make it look as though we went to many places but actually, we were only in Marina Sq.

Paul act cute wlao.


The very first polaroid we took and my fave.

We all look so happy in here :):)

This is the prettiest!

All 12.

Some left and we went to play arcade for a while before going to Calvin's house to play Guitar Hero!

I like Sharron in this picture! HAHA

I'm a really really good singer, and I rock at Guitar Hero :D!

It feels sad and unreal to realise that we are going to step down soon. We came a long way tghr, from our nomination period - torturous HC camp - elections - events like orientation, megahouse, house function...!
But all good things come to an end, and at the very least, the friendship we made will last forever.
I'll never regret joining house comm and being a part of the 16th HC is my pride :)

Oh yeah!
Had a last minute dinner with The Usuals at Kallang KFC last week.
Xieshern & Bano are still as irritating as ever.
Qw still getting bullied.
Jess even redder than before.
Nanatay trying to be hardworking by studying Chem,
& Zr the same lame guy that cracked me up with his 2 faces!

4 gayest guys!
And also, 4 guys that my life would be boring without.

Only the 3 of us can tolerate them!

Bffl !

Bano leaves a picture of his eye in my camera everytime we go out.

Some things just never change :D

Yay Yay!
For everyone's info: I was a good girl this weekend. I did Chem Energetics supplementary questions and revised Bio Spa.

I'm feeling happy nowadays,
P.S: Ga Eul has the same soft spot for a guy doing a certain action as me!

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