I met up with many of my good old friends and had great catch up sessions!
1. Kimberly and Elaine @ Parkway Pastamania
2. Shuhua @ Carls Junior T1
3. Ruihao on Bus 69
4. Jingyi and Melissa @ TP
5. Gerald and Justin @ TP
Dinner was at Superdog with Jing, Hua, Mel and Ruihao.
We had so much fun reminiscing about the past.
All the water fights, Mel's hydrilla plant, EP+BN fight, Mr Zou, Jess's house outings, mahjong, conflicts, pink bags, Jing's violent streak, cake fights, Shuhua being punished, Chinese, my birthday celebration at Sentosa, Mel's pasar malam shorts, Jing getting married in pants, what we would not do in future, Colleen in the toilet, horror shows, crying together, Harry Potter game at staircase, Stroke face and so many more.
Then was a truly fun time!
I am glad we met up after such a long time. Like finally!
Let's have more of today!
Even though itt makes me miss Chung Cheng so much.
Melissa has a Stage cap!
Secondary Two was the best times of my seconday life because we didn't have to care about anything. Fun and friends were all that matters.
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